Dr. Sudheer B Balla
Assistant Professor & HOD, PIDSRC
Dr. Sudheer B Balla
Dr. Sudheer B. Balla, Assisstant professor and Head of Department of Forensic Odontology in Panineeya Institute of Dental Sciences and Research Centre, Hyderabad. He has acquired his masters’ degree in forensic odontology (MFOdont) from University of Dundee, Scotland, United Kingdom. He teaches forensic odontology to undergraduate students and guides post graduate students with their research work and MDS thesis in forensics. He provides expert opinions for the cases referred to the department from police and the Forensic medicine & toxicology department of Osmania Medical College & Hospital, Hyderabad. He has delivered more than 6 guest lectures in various CDE programs and forensic seminars. He also conducted hands on programme on dental identification and age estimation for post graduates of various dental institutions. He is carrying out research work on a constant basis and has published articles both in national and international journals. Few research studies are going on in collaboration with Department of Forensic medicine, Osmania Medical College.