Dr. Karpagavalli Shanmugasundaram
Seema Dental College and Hospital
Professor & HOD
Dr. Karpagavalli Shanmugasundaram
Dr. Karpagavalli Shanmugasundaram is currently serving as a Professor and Head of Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology at Seema Dental College and Hospital, Uttarakhand. She completed her Bachelor of Dental Surgery from RMDC&H, Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu in the year 1996 and Master of Dental Surgery in Oral Medicine and Radiology from Sri Ramachandra Dental College & Hospital, Tamil Nadu in the year 2005. She has taken membership of Tamil Nadu Dental Council (TNDC), Chennai, Indian Dental Association (IDA), Indian Academy of Oral Medicine & Radiology (IAOMR), National Medicos Organisation (NMO), Indo Pacific Association of Forensic Odontology (INPAFO) and Indian Association of Forensic Odontology (IAFO). She has a teaching experience of about 14 years and clinical experience of about 23 years. She is well versed in the diagnosis of various diseases affecting the Oral and ParaOral structures and the evaluation of Medically Compromised patients and the Dental management of the same (Special Care Dentistry). She is good in the Medical / Conservative management of various Oral Mucosal lesions, Salivary gland, Orofacial pain & TMJ related diseases and also competent in carrying out Investigations like Exfoliative Cytology, FNAC, Mucosal Biopsy, etc. Her field of interest involves Oral Cancer and she has been actively involved in Tumour Board Meetings and in managing Head & Neck Tumours along with Medical Oncologist. She is very well proficient in the technique of both Conventional & Digital Intra Oral (Dental)/ various Extra Oral Skull Radiography and its Interpretation. She is trained in CBCT Interpretation as well as in the Digital Record management system and in the MILA(Multiple Interactive Learning Algorithm) system of teaching dental students. She is confident in handling undergraduate (III yr, Final yr & Interns) teaching programmes and in post graduate teaching as well. She has guided undergraduates and postgraduates in research activities, publications, presenting scientific papers, posters & essay competitions at various national conferences. She is actively involved in preparing for NAAC inspection (College & departmental NAAC co-ordinator, SRMC), Annual reports and department website. She has worked in the Clinic System of Dental Education and held responsibilities as Clinic Head. She has more than 20 publications in National & International Journals.