It is that branch of the administration of Criminal Justice. The system is charged with the responsibility for the custody, supervision, and rehabilitation of the convicted offender. Corrections is one of the imperatives, nay, pillars of criminal justice administration. It is tasked to safe keep and to rehabilitate those convicted by the courts. It is in corrections where the better part, which is the greater duration, of a sentenced person as he spends the judicially prescribed penalty
March 2023
Participating in the quiz is a great opportunity for me to prove myself as a good specialist. Participating each time helps you do your job with confidence. Step by step, I feel more literate. Many thanks to the organisers.
Ганиева Нилуфар Хамраевна
Tashkent State Dental Institute
Participating in a quiz on correctional administration provides an opportunity to learn more about the field and gain valuable knowledge that can be applied in a variety of settings. It can also help to identify areas where further study may be necessary, allowing individuals to better prepare for careers in this field.
Sandip Das
Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Abishekapatti, Tamil Nadu
Taking quizzes can be both entertaining and educational. It can help you stay up-to-date with the latest information and trends in field or simply be a way to test knowledge
Tottada srinivas
Counseling Psychologist
The quiz is both captivating and educational. It offered valuable insights that significantly
contributed to my comprehension.
Madhumi Prathibha Abeysiriwardhana Senarath Yapa
Horizon Campus, Sri Lanka