Forensic Medicine and Toxicolo...

Forensic Medicine and Toxicology

Forensic Medicine and Toxicology Quiz Crafted by –

Vibhuti Gupta

Team Member

Sherlock Institute of Forensic Science India Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi


Introduction to Forensic Medicine and Toxicology

Forensic medicine and toxicology are a part of the science of pharmacology, which is concerned with the quantities and effects of various drugs and poisons on human beings. In cases involving drugs and poisons, forensic toxicologists usually only get involved when death has occurred.

Let's look at the questions and their answers

Ques 1. Which of following is true about eruption of teeth?

a) Premolar appear in primary dentition

b) Incisor is first to appear in secondary dentition

c) Third molar is last to appear in primary dentition

d) Canine is second last to appear in primary dentition

Answer - d) Canine is second last to appear in primary dentition

Ques 2. In Judicial hanging death is due to the

a) Shock

b)  Fracture dislocation of upper cervical

c) Inhibition of the heart

d)  Rapid asphyxia

 Answer - b)  fracture dislocation of upper cervical

Ques 3. Regarding Seawater and freshwater drowning it is true that

a) The mechanism of death is the same

b) The mechanism of death is different

c) The mechanism of death is the same but the time taken is different

d) All of the above

 Answer - b) The mechanism of death is different

Ques 4. In an incised wound all of the following are true,  except -

a) It has clean-cut margins.

b) Bleeding is generally less than in lacerations

c) Tailing is often present

d) Length of injury does not correspond with length of the blade

 Answer - b) Bleeding is generally less than in lacerations

Ques 5. Garroting Is a method of homicidal strangulation which is  accomplished by

a) Holding the neck of victim in the bend of the elbow

b) Placing one bamboo stick across the frontand back of neck and tying both ends with the rope

c) Compression of the neck by the hand

d) Throwing a ligature over the neck  from behind and quickly tightening it

 Answer - d) throwing a ligature over the neck  from behind and quickly tightening it.

Ques 6. A body is brought for Autopsy with a history of poisoning. On postmortem, there is dark brown postmortem staining and garlic odour in the stomach.  The poisoning is most likely due to

a) Hydrocyanic acid

b) Carbon dioxide

c)  Phosphorus

d) aniline dye

 Answer - c) Phosphorus


Ques 7. Urine alkalinization should be considered first-line treatment in patients with moderately severe 

a) Barbiturates poisoning

b) Amphetamine poisoning

c) Salicylate poisoning

d) Cocaine poisoning

 Answer - c) Salicylate poisoning

Ques 8. The composition of universal antidote includes-

a) Magnesium oxide

b) Tannic acid

c) Activated charcoal

d)  All of the above in a particular ratio

 Answer - d) All of the above in a particular ratio

Ques 9. Electro-dialysis digestion is the extraction method for -

a) Gaseous poison

b) Non-volatile inorganic poison

c) Non-volatile organic poison

d) anion

 Answer - b) Non-volatile inorganic poison

Ques 10. What is the level of blood alcohol concentration that can render a person safe for driving?

a) 30 mg of alcohol per 100 ml of blood.

b) 150 mg of alcohol per 100 ml of blood.

c) 250 mg of alcohol per 100 ml of blood.

d) 300 mg of alcohol per 100 ml of blood.

Answer - a) 30 mg of alcohol per 100 ml of blood.

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